I will:
- See that my child attends school regularly.
- See that my child arrives at school in time to start the day - 8:30am
- I will contact the school on the first day of my child’s absence.
- Ensure my child wears appropriate school uniform and supports the school policies on hairstyles, make-up and jewellery.
- Support the school’s behaviour and care policies.
- Support my child with their homework and any other home learning.
- Check and sign my child’s planner on a weekly basis.
- Endeavour to support my child’s learning by attending parents’ evenings or meetings.
- Inform the school of any problems or concerns that may affect my child’s work or behaviour.
- Ensure my child understands the importance of travelling to and from school safely.
- Ensure my child gets in and out of vehicles in appropriate places and comply with any necessary parking restrictions around school.
- Ensure my child acts responsibly outside of school within the community and online.
Signature (Parent/Carer)
I will:
- Attend school regularly and on time, wearing approved school uniform and with approved and appropriate PE kit and necessary equipment.
- Not bring inappropriate items into school, such as e-cigarettes or lighters.
- Behave well in school and outside of school in settings such as school trips or college visits.
- Follow the school’s rules, policies and code of conduct and complete any sanctions which may be imposed.
- Work hard and complete all tasks required of me in the classroom, as well as with homework.
- I will cooperate with staff and other students, showing determination to get the best out of my time at school, whilst also aiming to enjoy myself and behave in a sensible manner.
- Respect other students and adults in school and beyond, and earn the respect of others in return.
- Take home all newsletters and messages to give to my parents or carers.
- Understand that all forms of bullying including verbal, physical or cyber will not be tolerated.
- Let an adult know if I have any problems or worries.
- Prepare for the world after school and my role as a valued adult in the community.
- Travel to school in a sensible manner when on or near the road.
- I will behave and act like a responsible citizen outside of school within the community and online.
Signature (Student)