Careers Statement

Vision and purpose 

Promoting a career development culture is an essential part of the mission and ethos of our school. We aim to support the aspirations of all our learners and to ensure that they gain the understanding, skills and experience they need to make progress and succeed in learning and work. We believe that effective careers education and guidance not only contributes to the well-being of individuals but also to the well-being of their families, the communities to which they belong, wider society, businesses and the economy.                    

Careers Leader

Our Careers Leader is Mrs N Tucker (Senior Assistant Vice Principal) and she advises the senior leadership team and governing board on curriculum, staffing and resource requirements. Mrs Tucker leads the development, implementation and evaluation of the school’s careers provision with the support of other key post holders (e.g. Careers & College Coordinator, SENDCO, Personal Development Curriculum Lead) and specialist careers staff. The Governor for Careers is Mrs Gill Bruce.

Our careers strategy is informed by these current priorities:   

Supporting individual aspirations, improving attainment and ensuring positive destinations.

Meeting the needs of specific groups including looked after children, young carers, children from economically-deprived backgrounds and children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Developing learners’ career management skills, especially those associated with career adaptability, resilience, enterprise and employability.

Improving young people’s working lives by helping them to identify the values that are important to them such as contributing to the wellbeing of others through their paid and voluntary work and working in greener ways.

Developing the use of digital technologies to meet young people’s career development needs in conjunction with face-to-face support.

Working with parents/carers, alumni and education, community and business partners to meet students’ career development needs.

Careers Programme

Through the Academy’s leadership and our partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company and our National Enterprise Advisor, we continue to develop links with leading local employers in a wide range of professions. This is done through links to business, industry, public sector, community and voluntary sectors.

Within the Academy’s weekly Personal Development Curriculum provision KS3 and KS4 students received relevant career activities, including access to inspirational guest speakers. Links with the Land Registry and Leyland Trucks are amongst the many opportunities our students have.

All students have access to a well-planned and well supported annual careers fayre attended by local and national employers from public and private sector, independent CEIAG adviser, colleges, apprenticeship and training providers.

We employ the services of an independent CEIAG careers advisor who is available to any students for support. In particular, Yr 11 students are offered one to one independent advice and guidance interviews to explore their post 16 options with a view to considering post 18 options too.

Careers impact is measured by external destination data and internal destination records as well as evaluations of key activities. Students track the impact of careers sessions using a work related learning tracker and the Academy uses Compass+.

The overall aims of our programme align to the GATSBY benchmarks and you can view our strategy and careers programme below. 

In meeting our vision we will pay particular attention to:

  • Securing independent and impartial careers guidance for all students as required by the 2011 Education Act and the revised Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022. In implementing this duty we will pay particular regard to the DfE’s principles of good practice and Ofsted’s inspection criteria for evaluating careers provision in schools. 
  • Fulfilling our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to promote equality of opportunity, foster good relations across all people, eliminate harassment and discriminatory practices and support children with protected characteristics. 
  • Paying particular regard to the DFE’s ‘Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents’ (published December 2017) and the ‘Careers guidance and access for education and training providers’ (published July 2021 and replaced in September 2022) and implementing revised policies by the deadlines contained within this guidance.   
  • Fulfilling our duties under the DfE's 'Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022 and implementing revised policies contained within this guidance. 
  • Meeting the requirements of the Provider Access Legislation 2023. 
  • The school will be guided by the GATSBY Career benchmarks.  

Destination Data

The Academy aims to use destination data to evaluate and support our careers programme.  Below is our destination data processing.

Support for Parents/Carers

The Academy aims to support parents/carers in understanding thir child's careers education and pathways.  Below is the support available.


Policy statement on provider access – full details can be found in the main careers policy.

A provider wishing to request access should contact

Mrs Tucker, Senior Assistant Vice Principal.


Telephone: 01772 336 293 

CEIAG Documents

Updated: 06/09/2024 255 KB
Updated: 04/01/2023 712 KB
Updated: 04/01/2023 128 KB
Updated: 04/01/2023 558 KB
Updated: 27/02/2024 156 KB

We are a LearnLive / CareersLive Careers Partner 

View our careers page which has access to a wide variety of live interactive broadcasts and videos on demand with live chat support about careers and industry.