As we reach the halfway point of the first term this academic year, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what has been a busy and exciting first few weeks.

Our new Year 7 students have made an outstanding start, quickly settling in and embracing secondary school life, with many parents sharing just how well they’ve adapted. Meanwhile, Year 11 students are working diligently towards their final GCSEs, with mock exams approaching in December.

A special mention goes to our new Head Students, Finley and Hemani, who have already made a great impact, by delivering their first public speech at the Open Evening. Their leadership reflects the core values we hold dear here at LHA, which continue to guide all that we do. This newsletter is filled with stories of students embodying these values, showing respect for others, and engaging actively in the community.

We’re especially proud of Mrs. Lomax and her form 11L, who successfully raised over £500 for Cancer Research through cake sales and the much-loved “soak a teacher” event. It was heartening to see the entire school rally behind this cause.

I also had the honour of presenting the first Bronze certificates for the Duke of Edinburgh Award at a celebratory event this week, recognising the hard work, passion, and commitment of our students.

Additionally, our recent trip to the Liverpool art gallery showcased not only our students’ keen interest in the arts, but also their exemplary manners and good citizenship, drawing positive remarks from members of the public.

Well done to everyone for an excellent start to the term.

Keep up the fantastic work, and enjoy a well-deserved half-term break.