
What is LHA aiming to achieve through its Art curriculum?

To develop passion and enthusiasm for Art and Design (inspire, excite, see, wonder and think).

To offer broad and varied SoL to engage students of all abilities.

To develop skills using a range of media, techniques and materials.

To learn about relevant artists and designers.

To learn about some of the key periods in Art and place the works within a historical, cultural, social and political context.

To have an ability to analyse the work of different artists and produce a personal response.

To develop transferrable skills e.g. problem solving, independent learning, resilience, self-control and organisation, presentation
skills and group co-operation.

To improve and develop fine-motor skills e.g. hand-eye coordination.

To recognise how contemporary Art can impact and affect our everyday lives (cultural capital).

To become aware of the creative and arts industries and the range of job opportunities.

To ensure all students leave with an Art and Design qualification which reflects the best of their ability.



Learning Journey



Progress is measured through formative assessment (continual) and summative assessment at the end of their SoL / project.

Good uptake for GCSE Art and Photography.

Results are consistently above national average

Post 16 arts uptake is positive and students visit our department for work experience.

Many students choose to attend extra-curricular workshops and choose to engage in independent studies.

Our students develop independent thinking skills through the promotion of self-directed study, developing transferrable suitable for post-16 study.

To be able to engage and appreciate the arts through a sense of enjoyment (wellbeing).

A career within the creative industries.